Episode Summary
Mat Batterbee has been on Garden Leave since the beginning of summer and enjoyed all the quality time with his family. Now that Garden leave is just about over, Mat is joining Pax8 in less than a week and I bet we're going to see a number of things posted about what he's up to next.
About the Guest
Mat Batterbee
Global Cloud Technology Leader who is passionate about all things Cloud and better supporting the partner channel to grow, develop and offer even more value to customers around the world.
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Episode Show Notes & Transcript
Host: Jon
He goes, That's fine. And stops talking <laugh>.
Guest: Mat
It was fine. I will, I'll now be silent for the rest of the podcast.
Host: Jon
Uh, first of all, loved your picture on Twitter. Yes. Uh, not sure what you poured, not asking, not questioning. Well, mine may look like coffee.
Guest: Mat
Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm just having some apple juice. It's, um, it's, it's Welsh apple juice and it's, it's famous for being single apple juice. It's so, so good.
Host: Jon
Uh, whenever I visit I, I need to try some of this apple juice and it's, it's the test for it myself.
Guest: Mat
It's good. I think after a whole bottle of this apple juice, we should record a podcast and it'd be incredible.
Host: Jon
Oh, well, there's an idea.
Guest: Mat
You can just taste the, um, apples and it's good.
Host: Jon
I feel like I can taste it or smell it on this end.
Guest: Mat
It's so fresh.
Host: Jon
Fresh. What the hell are we doing <laugh> Mat? A long time No talk man.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, I know. I heard the, I'd been, I'd been quite quiet lately, but I had, I mean, it was my birthday in August and it, it kind of just, my wife had the week off before my birthday, so we just enjoyed family time and then it kind of evolved and when am I ever gonna have like a month off over my birthday to celebrate it? So, uh, yeah. I've been, I've been quite quiet lately, but it's been nice. It's been peaceful.
Host: Jon
Mat, you've had the summer off, not just for your birthday, you've had the summer off. That is like a blessing during this time. I mean, I would take it,
Guest: Mat
This is it. I mean, we've had some nice for the uk, we've had nice wear, but we've had a good summer. Um, um, yeah, now I, I'm 19 days away, not that I'm counting down, uh, 19 days away from joining Pack eight. And then the week after, I'm off to Denver. So I'm already, you know, getting the Broncos out, uh, ready to go to the, uh, the Pax8 offices in Denver. I'm ready and raring to go. Now I'm ready to be back in the work routine.
Host: Jon
Uh, I can tell you're itching. First of all, I was gonna ask you about the shirt, or like, Broncos for me in the US I'm thinking, All right. Denver Broncos, but maybe I thought maybe in the UK meant something different, but awesome. I have nothing against them. I, I love the Broncos. I mean, I don't wanna say I, I, okay. I don't wanna say I love the Broncos, but I like when Peyton Manning was there. That was always good.
Guest: Mat
<laugh>. Yeah, I'm kind of, it's just one of them. I've got, I'm, I'm over there for two weeks. I've got a weekend, so I'm thinking I could either go, cause I like my hockey, so I could go to an ABS game. I could go see the Broncos, Colorado State are playing at home as well for the football. So I've got a good selection of sport that I could go to. So who knows
Host: Jon
About, Okay. Let's talk about where you're doing at P'S a and how you're coming over here in 19 days, because we know you're not counting at all. Right. So what are you doing at Pax8 and what's bringing you over here to the us?
Guest: Mat
Yeah, so, uh, I'm gonna be coming in as the global, uh, GTM or global Microsoft Solutions Director. Um, and it's gonna be heavily focused around, similar to what I was doing at Ingram Dynamics Power Platform, that whole business applications suite, uh, of solutions. So still working closely with Microsoft. Um, and, you know, the two weeks that I'm coming over, I know that there's a, there's a sort of leadership offsite meeting that's going on on the Monday and Tuesday. Um, and over than that, I think a lot of it is meeting people, uh, you know, making sure that I'm well integrated with the team. Um, that was one thing that I always kind of struggled with at Ingram because I didn't go to the Buffalo. I've never been to the Buffalo office, and I was there for three years. Um, so I want, I really wanted to make sure that, um, people knew what we were doing when it comes to business applications and we were loud and proud about it, and I could train everyone in what we were doing and, and really push these things forward.
Guest: Mat
So I imagine there'll be a lot of that. But at the moment, because, um, not that they're not talking to me, it's, you know, obviously very limited communication. I'm still on my garden leave, so I'm being well behaved and I'm not working or anything like that. Um, but I just know that, you know, flights are booked and, and things, so, uh, yeah, I'm sure I'll be, uh, I'll be used well for that too. I mean, I'm, I'm well rested now. I think after that two weeks I'm gonna be, I'm gonna need another free mums off. I think I'm gonna be tired after that.
Host: Jon
So you're reaching to return and then return for like two weeks. And then like, all I need, I need a break. I'm gonna need more of that apple juice just to calm down and settle just a little bit.
Guest: Mat
I am, I was gonna say, go ahead. The, the funny thing is I actually go on vacation. I wanna say it's like a few weeks into role. Like I, oh, no, no, like, like two, um, like a month and a half into role. I then go on vacation for two weeks. But it's a pre-book. In fact, the holiday that the vacation is so pre-booked, it was booked for like 2020 and then something happened in 2020 that meant that we couldn't go on that vacation. So we'll finally get into go. So, uh, yeah, I'll be, you know, I'll work for two months and now I'll have two weeks off. I think I could keep that going.
Host: Jon
<laugh>. So I me off for that gig. In fact, you know what, Cheers to that
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
All right. Mat, let me ask you, what can we expect at out of you at Pax8 socially? Because I know you've been quiet, well, slightly quiet and behaved, but what can we expect at you? Can we expect the Mat before Garden leave? You know, jumping back in there and I wanna say rallying up the crowd and the troops and everything, but what can we expect?
Guest: Mat
Yeah, I definitely want to motivate and inspire and continue to do that. I mean, the, uh, you know, the Ppac eight dynamics and business applications business is an, um, you know, I'm going in to lead that and I'm going in to, to build that and grow that. So at the moment, they're doing amazing for the resources that they have and the work that they've done, but we need to pick that up. So I definitely wanna be, again, loud and do the similar type stuff. I'm, I'm keen on doing more, um, talks as well with other people, um, you know, in the channel just to give other people a voice as well. And even people with impact say, um, you know, I think it'd be quite fun to do some bits of content with people that maybe don't know anything about Dynamics apart from how to spell it. Um, you know, that could be interesting, um, to, to talk to them. Um, so yeah, I think I'm definitely gonna go back into it. It's been interesting cause I've just been sharing stuff. Like that's all I've really been doing on my LinkedIn. I haven't really posted anything organic from me. You know, I did a video earlier this week. Um, I've got something planned just before I joined Pack. Um,
Host: Jon
Are out anything with pens on your desk or why
Guest: Mat
<laugh>? I've got some video ideas as well, but it depends how good my editing skills are, if I can pull it off. Um, I, I definitely wanna bring back what I was kind of doing just with the organic videos of just not being sat, not necessarily not sat at a desk, but I've seen quite a lot of videos recently. Um, and people are obviously trying to put out content, but it's very much headset on, sat in front of a screen and maybe doing some kind of demo and there's just, there's not really any like behind the voice that's doing it. Um, so I want to bring that back a little bit. And, uh, the, the loud annoying me <laugh>
Host: Jon
Looks like I gotta change up my demos a little bit. No, I'm just kidding. But I'm sorry. Did Apple juice come back? Man, I've missed Chad with you. It's been like, it's been, what, two months? We, we had a, what? June? We did right? June. In July we did one, and then it's been,
Guest: Mat
Yeah, July. And then, um, like I say, it was just, uh, my, my birthday is like mid August, so like the week before was taken up with just, just family stuff. And, and then, I mean, some things happened just unexpectedly as well. I mean, uh, my wife knew she was starting her new job and then all of a sudden it was like, Oh, you can start Monday. There's, Cuz she works for the NHS and the hospital, there's a lot of paperwork and checks and things that can take six weeks to two months. So we had no idea when she was gonna start. And then ever since then, I've been on, I've been on daddy daycare, um, which has been amazing, like two months, uh, now nearly two and a half months, the majority of the day is just me and my little girl. Um, because my wife's been able to do like, lots of overtime working and stuff because I'm here and we get free childcare with me.
Guest: Mat
Um, so I've had days, you know, I'm never gonna get those back. And, um, I never thought I would get that much time off. You know, I had for my paternity leave, I had like one week, um, you know, and then took some vacation time. So to get this three months off over the summer, going to the beach, going to the park, all this other stuff. I mean, I have to admit my wife, little bit different than me because, uh, she said she's had 18 months with her and she was this sweet, nice little girl two months with me. She now loves wrestling, climbing, and jumping off things. So, uh, yeah, I've loved it. My wife's thinking like, Oh no, <laugh>, I've got another minima <laugh>.
Host: Jon
That's the dad in the, in everybody, it's the same thing where my son, we will wrestle in the house, he looks forward to it. Football is back on Sundays, and when it's on, he's got the mad out, he's got the ball and it's literally the first quarter, first series and he's got the ball. I'm like, I just wanna watch the first series and then we can play a little bit. I just let me have a little bit. And he's like, Okay, it's done. Like, all right, let's do this. But it's the dad thing.
Guest: Mat
Yeah. And I've even been able to do things like, um, hang on, let me try and find a picture. But, you know, we're, she's just getting a little personality about her now. And, uh, we even took her to gymnastics to try, uh, hang on. Sitting can get a picture. But you can see that like she's on the bar. Yep. And I've like, let go of her and she's just hanging off the bar. Like, she is so strong as well. So, you know, all these little things that, you know, that class is on a Tuesday at midday.
Host: Jon
Yeah. There's
Guest: Mat
No way I would be free on a Tuesday at midday if I was working. Uh, same, We've taken her swimming in the week and doing swimming lessons with her and things like that. I mean, some of the classes, I think my wife was, uh, stitching me up, we call it in the UK. It's like, she'd tell me that. Yeah, yeah. Of her dad's go as well. I'd be like, Okay, okay, I can. And then I turn up and it's like, me and all the mums, I'm like, okay, I'm the lonely dad here. She lied to me. Um, so that's been fun as well. I, I've had some mothers meetings during this, uh, free months off.
Host: Jon
Nice. This is a good time though. A good age to have. Spend some family time with her, some quality time, all the stuff you got to do during the summer. All right. You're returning to work, I think you said somewhere like 19 days, right? And <laugh>. And, uh, so I think this is gonna be tough for you because one, you're itching to go back, but you've had all this quality time with your daughter and now it's like you're gonna be working from home. Will she be going to, you know, daycare during that time? So, or how are you gonna juggle that?
Guest: Mat
Yeah, so she'll be, um, Wednesdays and Thursdays, she goes to daycare. Friday, my dad who's retired, he wanted a day with us. So we were like, Okay, you are saving us quite a bit of money on childcare. Yes. Like get in. Um, it's, it is definitely gonna be tough, but I think one thing that has been good for me, having this much time at this age as well, is like, I used to just never turn down a call or never, you know, I, I'd do anything. And, you know, even, and I will still continue to do that in like, I was doing like 2:00 AM webinars with like Australia for example, and I didn't, you know, stuff like that doesn't really matter too much, but there's certain times of the day that I'm gonna try and keep myself free, um, moving forward because I know now like they're not hard. Like, and what I mean by that is, so for example, between five and 7:00 PM and I know it's 6:00 PM uh, but let's face it, I've done no work for like two and a half months, so I can do one call with you, that's absolutely fine. But, um,
Host: Jon
This is a bar chat. This isn't even of work <laugh>,
Guest: Mat
I've got Apple juice. Um, but you know, I've learned that when you've been on your own with, with, uh, with the toddler all day, and then you've gotta do dinner, uh, bath and bed and like, it, it drags, it drains on you a little bit when you've done it all day. Um, so I definitely want to, you know, try and keep certain times a little bit more free on my calendar if I can. So between like five and seven, and then when MA's in bed, yeah, I can do my calls with the US team after that. Like, I don't have a problem working at nine, 10 o'clock at night because I, I don't do a typical nine to five. I might not be at my desk at 9:00 AM So, um, it's, it, you know, I've definitely learnt things over this free months of like, you know, um, being a, being a modern man, a modern husband, and, uh, you know, trying to think about, okay, I need to make sure that I just control my diary a little bit and don't just accept everything blindly and, and, you know, make sure I block out time in my calendar for, for family as well, which I didn't do a lot of when I was at Ingram.
Host: Jon
Well now you've had this time, uh, it sounds like a good company you're gonna be working for in a couple of weeks and I wanna say 19 days again, just to be funny. But, uh, tell me who is and what is Pax eight?
Guest: Mat
Yeah, Sopac eight are a, a distributor. Uh, so they do some incredible work with AWS as well. Um, so which I've, which I've seen, uh, and Microsoft and, um, essentially a competitor to Ingram, um, much more in its infancy. You know, Ingram are up there celebrating you. Its like 40 something years of history. Um, you know, Pax8 founded in 2012. Um, so you know much more junior company if, if you wanna call it that. Uh, but doing some amazing things. I mean, during my time at Ingram there was always that kind of looking over the fence and seeing, well, what are those guys doing? Um, but I think my personality and my socials and those kind of things will definitely fit in more with PAC eight. And I don't think I'll give market in much of a headache with the stuff that I do.
Guest: Mat
Um, because I mean, you know, during Microsoft's big event, inspire, you know, they came out with a hashtag me inspire and it was just memes and, and all this stuff. And, you know, even after each day went live on YouTube and, and did a whole streaming thing and everything. So they're quite big on their socials as well, posting funny stuff. It's not just corporate boring stuff, let's say. Um, so yeah, I think they just very forward thinking in terms of their being a distributor, really partner heavily, partner focused as well, which I'm, I'm really keen on just looking after partners again, um, and, and making sure that we're helping partners grow and not just being a place to spend money. Uh, you know, I wanna make sure we're helping partners grow. So, uh, yeah, all in all, they look like a incredible company. And you know, the, the few conversations that I've had with them have been amazing. I mean, I went from, Okay, I can join you guys in a month to, oh, you're gonna have to wait three months. And I was so scared of making that phone call because it's like, that could, they could be really annoyed. And the response I got was, just enjoy time with your family. It couldn't be better. Could it over the summer and we'll speak to you in three months. I was like, Oh, okay. Uh,
Host: Jon
It's bold <laugh>.
Guest: Mat
So I
Host: Jon
Drink to that.
Guest: Mat
I will. So,
Guest: Mat
You know, I'm really excited to join them, really excited to learn more about them because, you know, I know bits from what I've seen whilst I was the Ingram obviously can follow in their socials quite a bit lately just to see what they're up to. Uh, but it was obviously so much you can, so much you can see from this side of the fence. So looking forward to going over to Denver and meeting everyone. And even, uh, my first day for a couple of days I'll be down in the Bristol office in the uk. So I get to meet and integrate with the UK team a week later with the whole North America team. Um, and, and who knows, I've been following a guy also called Mat, who's been over in Australia the last couple of weeks, so who knows, uh, where the travels may lead to. But, um, you know, it's exciting that I get to meet as many people as possible as quickly as possible because, you know, when we were in Miami, that was the first time I met people that were in my team. Um, and it was like three years in at this point. So I'm excited that I get to meet people very quickly, uh, with Pax8.
Host: Jon
I think with Pax a and you're talking about the mees that they were doing, it's the younger generation. They realize that the social aspect of it and the personalities of people are the same whether they're at work or at home. And to accept those and if you allow people to beat themselves and who they are, wherever they're at, you will get the naturally, others will just generate and flock towards them. Yeah. And just like, you know, you and I, when we were down in Miami, I know we pass each other, we didn't officially meet. We're like, Oh, I saw you, you saw me, you know, and then we started following each other and you saw the groups of people that were flocking around everyone and like yourself, and it was just your personality that they're attracted to. It's really good.
Guest: Mat
And this is it. I mean, you know, I've seen certain people posting, um, for example, on LinkedIn saying about how you shouldn't post too much from your personal life on your, on your LinkedIn. And you know, okay, I'm gonna draw the liner. I'm not gonna do a video from the bathroom any time soon. But like, why is it a bad thing to share that I have a daughter and I'm spending time with her? And because then even if I jump on a, or say a partner really wants to jump on a call with me, I can say to that, to that partner, regardless of who they are, Okay, can we make that call at 7:30 PM my baby will be in bed by then. Like, what's wrong with that? Like, that's the, in me, I don't know why we need to separate that too much. Like I say, there's lines, but just sharing that you've got a family and you, you have fun with that family. And, uh, you know, I make some funny videos together. Like I, from the moment Mava was born, I was doing silly videos and stuff like it, I, I don't see a problem with that. So, um, yeah. And, and P eight seems to be, like you say, quite forward thinking and that younger generation of wanting to do the social stuff and, and wanting to, to let the partners know that we are all human beings as well. We're not just P eight. Uh, and we're not just corporate stooges. Uh, we are our own people,
Host: Jon
I think. Well, you said they were, uh, created in 2012, right? Yeah. And then, and I'm not, I won't compare them with like Ingram, but just older companies that are out there, you have a kind of a mentality that you have to keep the brand a certain way and you have to be careful and protective of it. But the younger ones are okay, everybody's kind of expressing it now. The older ones are getting there, they're starting to realize, I've seen so many roles for like developer advocates, developer relations, community folks. They are plastered everywhere on in, in social, um, LinkedIn. I probably see like 30, when I had left my last company, I was actually looking to either a, find a role Yeah. Or I kicked off Myer Media earlier this year. And I, you know what, I'm focusing heads down on this and, and striving towards it and going for it. But these are the things that even and if they're an older company or even a younger company are looking for now.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, definitely. I'm, I'm seeing more and more of that and also just a bit of a, sometimes a bit of a change in the way a job title is as well. Um, you know, so for example, Pax8 as well, we, um, let's call it the the human resource person. It's VP of talent, you know, it's no longer VP of Human Resources, VP of Talent. Yep. And developing their talent within the organization and helping the people develop. Um, so even just seeing that shift in, uh, people's job titles and the way that they're put out there, um, and as you say, new roles as well. That, and I, you know what, I've done some talks, obviously it's been the summer, so not a lot, but at the beginning of my garden leave, I did a lot of talks in, uh, in schools.
Host: Jon
Guest: Mat
I've got a friend of mine that reaches out and I go in for him and I talk about cloud technology and just the industry and jobs and things like that. And one statistic, uh, that I saw was, I think it was, I think it's 80%, but 80% of roles of the future don't even exist now. And then I see their faces a little bit like, okay. And I, and then I say, and the role that I've just told you that I have at P eight, that didn't exist before I accepted it. So it's a true thing. These roles just, come up all the time and, and you know, the industry's changing. But yeah, I think I'm seeing more and more people trying to shift up their focuses, uh, shift up their, their market in and, and their socials because you know, even companies like, uh, you know, I've got good friends at Bam Bam Cloud, a great Dynamics partner, their socials like, you know, when you pass by them on your socials, they're probably one of the only partners that I follow on Instagram, just because Instagram's like my personal thing. It's not really like a work thing, but their socials make me laugh. So I'm like, I'm gonna follow them like, just cuz they make me laugh. Um, and I think sometimes, you know, cloud technology, I always say it can be a really boring industry or you can make it really interesting and make it fun, uh, and make it attracted to younger people to want coming into this industry. And, and, uh, yeah, hopefully, I can continue to do that at P eight.
Host: Jon
So I know you're coming over here, uh, to Denver and then you have, uh, some time off. Are you gonna be at Reinvent? Do you know that yet?
Guest: Mat
Uh, I don't know. Um, I haven't really been told about any, any events that I might be doing this side of, um, Christmas or, or next year and so on. There's a few events that sadly that sort of cross over with my time in Denver. Um, so for example, I think it's Directions, Amir, in Hamburg, I probably won't be able to attend because I'll be in, in Denver and I I as much as directions, Amir is an incredible event for Dynamics. It's also really incredibly important. But I make sure that I have the best possible start at plaque eight. So I would choose that every time. Um, but yeah, no, nothing. Nothing's really been mentioned yet. I'm away. Uh, I think it's like November the 25th around that sort of time. So around Thanksgiving I fly over, I'm in Orlando actually for a couple of weeks. Um, so I dunno if it crosses over with that time. Um, I've been,
Host: Jon
It's the 27th of November to December 2nd.
Guest: Mat
Yeah. So I won't be there. I will be with Mickey Mouse. So, uh,
Host: Jon
Well it's a good choice,
Guest: Mat
<laugh>. It is, it is. I'll, uh, you know, I'll try, I'll probably keep up with it on blogs and stuff like that so I don't miss anything. But, uh, yeah, it's, it's just one of those vacations where it was booked like two years ago.
Host: Jon
<laugh>, there's nothing to apologize. Take the vacation, enjoy the time. Work will always be there. You can get back to that.
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
So Mat, let me switch a few gears. I know in our last couple of conversations we talked about your tattoos, any new ones?
Guest: Mat
Yeah, so I actually went in, uh, I wouldn't say new, but I went in and just had more done to my chest. So like the rose has been made to look a bit better. I dunno if the light's good or bad, but the easiest, Oh there you go on the, and then he's done some more work around here. So it's filling up, He reckons there's about one more hour to go on my chest. Uh, then it's finished and then, uh, we can carry him on my leg then cuz I currently have a zebra or zebra with, with no ears. So I need to sort that. Oh,
Host: Jon
I remember.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, so I actually, I, it's funny cuz I thought, oh, I've got three months off. I could easily get in like four or five sessions in the, in on the chair and then, you know, daily daycare and things. It just kind of time took away from me. And then it was, it was two weeks ago, I got more done on my chest and it was only because earlier in the week he put a post on Instagram saying, you know, someone's canceled on Thursday, who can make it? I was like, Mays in nursery, I can come. Uh, so it was a real last minute thing. Um, and he, he managed to get, I think it was two and a half hours in on my chair. I was very sore afterwards. The chest is not nice to get done.
Host: Jon
<laugh>. Oh, okay. Well that I'll probably avoid that. Uh, I'd love a nice like half sleeve. I'm looking at a couple, but I have no clue when I'm gonna get that.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, I need to, It's a, it's funny cuz I, I'm getting more done on my leg. It's currently all on the, on the calf and it is eventually gonna go around to the shin. But he had just had, and it was incredible. I, I saw it the day after it was done. He got a Pennywise on his shin. Uh, he is getting leg sleeve and Pennywise forms part of it. And then he is like a rose on the knee and this guy's covered in tattoos, he's got his throat done and everything. And uh, he was like, Yeah, that, that hurt. I was like, I might have to rethink this leg. Like if you are telling me that I hurt, like maybe we just avoid the shinbo. Like let's just not do it. Either that or you do one, you do one line every two weeks and that's it.
Host: Jon
It's gonna take a little bit of time for that. Yeah.
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
Mat, before we wrap things up, how are you preparing for your new role that's gonna be starting in like 19 days? I think you mentioned 19 days.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, 19 days. I can't wait. Um, so I've been doing quite a few like LinkedIn learning courses. Uh, like I said, for the month of August I did nothing. Like, I enjoyed family time, um, and just relaxed. And like I said, I shared a couple of things on LinkedIn, but I couldn't, I don't wanna say I couldn't be bothered. It was just like, you know what, my, my heart's not in it to like post loads of stuff on social media, so I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna do something that's half my methods sort of thing. So I enjoyed the chill in, uh, in, in August, you know, I did quite a few like school talks and things like that in July. Um, so it was nice to chill in August, September. I've been, my two days that I'm not with, uh, with Mava. I'm, uh, you know, glued to my surface and I'm, I'm looking at LinkedIn learning courses and not even just about Microsoft in the cloud, but unlike leadership and just on like, let's call it being a better person, you know, and, and being, you know, I want to up my game at Pack State and I wanna make sure I'm the best version of me.
Guest: Mat
Uh, so that as well. And then I also, you know, I've used this time quite well in terms of getting my fitness, you know, we've talked about fitness a few times and, and health and stuff. And it's funny cause I actually, through August, I didn't even go to the gym so I completely switched off from the gym, completely switched off from, um, bike work. But I was going on my bike all the time. Um, you know, I was trying to up my fitness and lose some weight. And it was funny, I went to the gym, uh, Monday for the first time in like four weeks. And Jane, the woman that owns the gym, she said there, she, you know, kind of said, Oh, you, you look really well. You look like you've lost weight. And then she said, Is that an insult or do you want to lose weight? You know, do you wanna bulk up? Do you wanna lose weight or do you wanna day? I said, No, I wanna lose weight. And she said, Oh, that's good. You, you look really well. And I said, I only come here to feel good. You've made me feel good. As I work through the door, I'm going like, I'm done now. <laugh>, you
Host: Jon
Know, <laugh>, I'm done with it.
Guest: Mat
I'm also like, I feel better in myself as well cuz I've been doing more exercise, um, good exercise, like I say on my bike or out walking with maybe all the time. Um, so I feel like I'm not only trying to be better by doing these LinkedIn learning courses or doing like the, the Microsoft Learning courses and stuff like that, just to sort of refresh my memory on what this thing is that I'm coming into do with Bag eight. Um, but also just trying to get my head in a much better place in terms of feeling better in myself. And I've lost like 30, 40 pounds over this like three month period. It's been crazy. Um, and, uh, I, I feel so much better for it. So, uh, I think that in itself as well, you know, I'm gonna be going into day one at packs eight in 19 days time, <laugh>, um, feeling
Host: Jon
Good. That's the first time we heard it,
Guest: Mat
So I'm gonna be feeling good. And I think that is also a, a huge thing for me is just, uh, if I feel good, um, you know, as you know, you, you're just gonna be in a better frame of mind positive. Um, so my content's gonna be even better and you know, I'm gonna be a much better worker.
Host: Jon
I love when you said about the lady, uh, Jane at the gym asked, oh, uh, you lost some weight and asked, Wait, is that a good or bad thing for those who don't out and you lift weights, Right? There are sometimes you wanna bulk up and if somebody says you're losing weight, it's like, oh crap, I'm not doing what I'm doing. But it, it's all, it's all a mentality thing and going to the gym and feeling good after, you know, a good workout, it's those endorphins that you cannot explain to somebody Yeah. On how you feel afterwards. They don't happen all the time, but when you really rock a workout and you're done the rest of your day doesn't Mater. You, you're just gonna ride a high throughout the
Guest: Mat
Rest. This is it. I mean, I've been, like I say, going on my bike and I got a bike that I go out on or I've got a bike in my garage if I, I just wanna watch Netflix and go on a bike for, for an hour or so. But when, uh, when Cobra Kai came out on Netflix, I was, I did like two and a half hours on my bike wearing a sauna suit and then I only got off because I was like, I looked down at the floor and I was like, it was like a puddle around me that I need to clean up right now. I, I got, So that's been a key get some are good on Netflix and you can go for hours on a bike. It's amazing. Um, yeah, I'm, uh, so yeah, I'm back lifting weights again. Light lightweights, high reps, trying to keep the weight off and, uh, lean up a little bit. But I'm not putting stress on myself. I'm just, just enjoying it. And like you say, it's all about the endorphins and uh, being healthy and you know, at the end of the day I've got a chase around a toddler, so there's no point in being a, a 300 pound monster to chase around a toddler. You know, I may as well lose some weight.
Host: Jon
Well my, you're definitely looking good. Uh, I know we had our last one in like July. I, you know, we actually, you know, like I said, back in, uh, May when we were down in Florida, I've seen the pictures before then I think the time off as it, it was, at first it was probably like three months off. What the hell am I gonna do? And now three months off and you're like, man, I was able to fill this up. Uh, spend time with the family, work out, do all the things that I wanted to do. Now I can get 'em done and the heads down and ready to go back to work. I'm not sure ever I could do three months. But
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
If it was an option, if it was an option, maybe not, but if it was something like how you're handling it, I think I'd make the most of it. Like you did, I mean, I saw pictures everywhere with you, with your daughter, with your family, uh, you were always at, what was it? The, um, the indoor playground? What was it? Uh, where you
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
Going down the slide and stuff? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you were being a big kid, right?
Guest: Mat
I was and I'm, I'm gonna miss it. When ma was old enough to go in those soft plays on our own, I'm gonna miss that. Like, I'm gonna be like, I wish I could go in and, uh, not look weird. Uh, like I want to go down the slides, but, uh, yeah, doing the soft players going to the park, We've been to the beach tons of times and, uh, swimming, it's, it's been great. And I think if it wasn't for Mave, these free months would've been awful. Um, and that's not to say, but my wife's got a job. Oh yeah, she works. You know, so that's not to say anything on her, it's just she's in work. And like today, it's funny cuz it's my first sort of, let's call it day off without me that like she's in nursery today and tomorrow. And, um, you know, I went on my bike this morning, then I went to the gym and then I came home and then within an hour I was like, I'm bored now. Like I need like the little toddler running around making a massive EverFi. So I have to admit, if it wasn't for Mava, these three months would've been like horrible in a way. Cause I would've just been bored. Um, you know, there's only so much like LinkedIn learning and Microsoft learning and stuff like that you can do, um, and housework. So, so much cleaning you can do.
Host: Jon
I was gonna say, I'm sure your wife would've give you a huge list for all this time off.
Guest: Mat
Yeah, I mean, to be fair, she's come home most days. The house is spotless. I make sure it's ho it's vacuumed, it's clean kitchen's cleaned everything. So I'm, well, I'm pretty good like that. But, uh, yeah, it's, these two days are like the hard days if you like, where it's like I get sort of halfway through the day and I'm like, okay, now what sort of thing. Um, but then I, because I only have two days I can do the LinkedIn learning and that kind of stuff. Yeah. So it's not too bad, but, um, yeah, having a toddler that it's been just time in has been perfect, good summer, good age for the toddler. Um, and yeah, just, it just feel refreshed and just itching to get into it now.
Host: Jon
Oh, I'm, I'm definitely sure, Mat, this has been awesome to chat with you. Sit down, have, uh, your apple juice in my coffee or whatever it may be.
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
Definitely some good times. I'm looking for some great things coming outta you in the upcoming weeks. I know you're gonna be stateside then, uh, hit me up. I am on the east coast. I don't know where you land. Maybe we, there's something that we can do in the works, but you got a lot on your plate. I'm sure you wanna be hit and make an impact immediately. I'm, I'm pretty sure if folks are not following you on LinkedIn or Twitter, please do, uh, what was it, that cloud guy? No, Mat's in the cloud. <laugh>, uh, it's always one to follow. He's really cool to just, some of the stuff he posts, whether it's personal or it has to do with work. You're still gonna get Mat no Mater what, wherever he is at. Definitely follow him on LinkedIn, some great information. He's only sharing stuff right now, but I'm pretty sure in about 20 days. I you said 19. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm gonna give you an extra day that there's gonna be some stuff on LinkedIn and if you need some help with some videos, you let me know. I I can do some editing.
Guest: Mat
That sounds good. That sounds good. I'll definitely hit you up. But I've got, I've got a few ideas of, of of fun videos, uh, that I can do. Um, yeah, I I'm excited to now. I really,
Host: Jon
Uh, this is pretty good. So I don't actually know your official title, so I'm gonna say everybody, this has been Mat Batter,
Guest: Mat
Global GTM Solutions director at Pate a soon in 19 days time. It's, it's that, you know what the funny thing is, Jon? So I actually, um, I set myself a goal, uh, like when I was like 20 and I said, I'm gonna be a director by the time I reach fi. And it's so funny because I accepted the role as a 30 year old, but I go into the role as a 31 year old and like one month, like three months garden leavers really screwed me on that goal. But, you know, uh, yeah. So, uh, it's been a long term goal this, uh, director title. So I'm, uh, again, that's another reason why I am just, just itching to get in there and, and make a huge impact straight away. So, uh, yeah, you're gonna be seeing a lot of me. We should definitely do this again in a, in a couple of weeks or maybe, you know, after week one, a Pax8 or something like that and we can catch up again. But, uh, yeah,
Host: Jon
Of course.
Guest: Mat
Always a pleasure to catch up with you.
Host: Jon
Yeah, you too, Mat. Thank you so much. I appreciate your time everybody. My name's Jon Myer. Don't forget to hit that, like subscribe it, notify, because guess what? Cheers, Mat.
Guest: Mat
Host: Jon
We're outta here.
Guest: Mat